Faculty & Students
The most critical relationships in any school are those between faculty and students. Student success will depend on the individuals recruited by the Administration and their ability to design and implement programs with the interests and needs of students in mind.


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Jenn Cornell

Jenn Cornell is a performer, composer and an educator bringing cello across boundaries with her visionary style of playing, creating songs that stretch what a cello can be; and inspiring young musicians with her mentor approach to teaching. She has had a diverse career creating genre bending music in performance, film scoring, and in the education of the arts. Jenn loves music, so much so, that she would have recurring dreams about playing the cello, hearing sounds that she had never made in real life. She would wake up with an amazing feeling of freedom and vitality. Chasing that feeling of freedom, she created her unique style of music that she calls "Cello Soup". Jenn finds it very rewarding to help others discover their own voices of expression in music and mentors young musicians at the Community Music Centers to 'sing a song and sing it loud'! Jenn Cornell believes that music has the power to move energy and she continues to use hers to do so in all the ways she can. Find out more at: www.jenncello.com

Additional Info

  • Collegiate studies: University of Georgia
  • Instructional areas: Violin, Cello, Composition
  • CMC Faculty start date: 2017
  • email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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