Faculty & Students
The most critical relationships in any school are those between faculty and students. Student success will depend on the individuals recruited by the Administration and their ability to design and implement programs with the interests and needs of students in mind.


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Violin, Viola and Cello Lessons Faculty

Jenn Cornell is a performer, composer and an educator bringing cello across boundaries with her visionary style of playing, creating songs that stretch what a cello can be; and inspiring young musicians with her mentor approach to teaching. She has had a diverse career creating…

Additional Info

  • Collegiate studies University of Georgia
  • Instructional areas Violin, Cello, Composition
  • CMC Faculty start date 2017
  • email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Additional Info

  • Collegiate studies New England Conservatory, Berklee College of Music
  • Instructional areas Guitar, Cello, Theory, Composition, GAP
  • CMC Faculty start date 2024

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