Hello, Neighbors.  Let's Play!
CMC Inman Park  

Now open on Edgewood Ave in the heart of Inman Park  

2024 Best of Georgia
Georgia Business Journal
Music School and Instruction category winner! 

Yes, that's us!  Thank you for the love!  You voted for us in droves, and we're proud to have earned your support.  

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Piano Camp 3

July 21, 2025 8:00 am - July 25, 2025 6:00 pm

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CMC Little 5 Points 1127 Colquitt Avenue Northeast, Atlanta, GA 30307, USA


All things piano. Classical, jazz, pop, rock, blues, the piano has occupied a central role in many styles of music since its invention by Bartolomeo Cristofori in Italy around the year 1700. It’s also been a focal point of musical education for American children since the mid 1800s.

CMC Atlanta Piano Camp provides beginners and more experienced players alike the opportunity to develop both playing skills and musical understanding and awareness. Through a mix of private lessons and group activities (singing, drumming, arts and crafts, theory games and projects), students will learn good technique, build their knowledge of the fundamentals of music, and tackle a couple of age and skill appropriate compositions. Piano Camp also includes introduction of historical repertoire (from virtuosic to famous pieces, like Fur Elise, that most piano students learn along the way), lessons in how the piano works, projects that introduce important composers for the instrument (from Muzio Clementi to Mozart, Chopin, to Thelonious Monk and Elton John), and live performances by CMC Atlanta Artist Resident Teachers.

For beginners, we gear the curriculum to laying a firm foundation to support playing and continued study after camp. For more experienced players, we introduce new solo and collaborative pieces, more advanced concepts, and teach improvisation, a skill overlooked in many piano studios. When it comes to improvisation, even experienced students mostly start from scratch when they come to our camp, and most students enjoy having this world of artistic expression opened for them in an encouraging setting. 

Students divided by age and skill level. Beginners and more experienced students welcome.

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