Faculty & Students The most critical relationships in any school are those between faculty and students. Student success will depend on the individuals recruited by the Administration and their ability to design and implement programs with the interests and needs of students in mind.
9-9:45AM - Intro/Performance (Lead Instructor -Jenn Cornell will present a looping performance including an overview of her sound equipment, 6-String Electric Cello and multiple effects pedals and discuss her perspectives on how to find a unique voice of musical freedom within the structure of music and the use of technology.)
10-11- Extended Techniques Workshop (harmonics, color change/distortion, hammer on and pull offs, unconventional plucking, slides, power chords, and percussive techniques)
11:15AM Music Theory Basics/Ear Training (Overview of Scales, Key Signatures, Circle of Fifths, Chords and Intervals. Goal: to bring more awareness to how we listen to and perform music. Class will include listening exercises, descriptive writing exercises and creative drawing.)
2PM- Personal practice time of Extended Techniques and Improv with 12 part blues backing track (Student will need their own personal device for playing track from Youtube)
9-9:45AM - Intro/Performance (Lead Instructor -Jenn Cornell will present a looping performance including an overview of her sound equipment, 6-String Electric Cello and multiple effects pedals and discuss her perspectives on how to find a unique voice of musical freedom within the structure of music and the use of technology.)
10-11- Extended Techniques Workshop (harmonics, color change/distortion, hammer on and pull offs, unconventional plucking, slides, power chords, and percussive techniques)
11:15AM Music Theory Basics/Ear Training (Overview of Scales, Key Signatures, Circle of Fifths, Chords and Intervals. Goal: to bring more awareness to how we listen to and perform music. Class will include listening exercises, descriptive writing exercises and creative drawing.)
2PM- Personal practice time of Extended Techniques and Improv with 12 part blues backing track (Student will need their own personal device for playing track from Youtube)