Faculty & Students
The most critical relationships in any school are those between faculty and students. Student success will depend on the individuals recruited by the Administration and their ability to design and implement programs with the interests and needs of students in mind.


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Sunday, 30 June 2019 21:00

Transportation Logistics

The most frequently asked question, "How does the transportation system work for AMP?"

In all locations where we offer the Afterschool Music Program, we operate our own shuttles, using vehicles we own and our faculty and staff employees.  Our goals are, first and foremost, for the ride to be safe, second, the routes to be efficient, and third, the experience to be as enjoyable, or at least, as hassle free as possible for all our AMP students.  

It's easy to take care of the logistics for your child(ren).  How it works:

Published in AMP and Camp Resources
Sunday, 30 April 2023 21:00

Participation Form

An up-to-date version of the CMC Atlanta Participation Form must be on file for any minor student who is going to be left in CMC Atlanta care.  The form is available and completed online here.

If you are a new parent, welcome and please let us know if you have any questions about the form.  It takes just a few minutes to complete, so if you are a returning parent, and you aren't 100% sure the info you provided in the past is accurate, please take a moment to complete a new version online.


Published in AMP and Camp Resources

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