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Thursday, 29 December 2016 15:10

Chance Composition: Melody




--Markers or crayons


1. Create chart for students to use when creating their chance compositions.  Assign a pitch to each possible dice roll.  My table: 2--C^, 3--B, 4--repeat last note, 5--E, 6--C, 7--G, 8--F, 9--go up one step from last note, 10--go down one step from last note, 11--A, 12--D. I chose those pitches based on likelihood to roll certain numbers, and assigned more likely rolls with important notes in key of C Major. 

2. Decide what rules the chance composition will have. (I made these rules: No repeating same note more than 4 times. Must have at least 30 notes.)


1. Students roll dice and write down letters, from left to right. End result will read something like: BBAGGGCDC^EGFFD, etc. Older students could write on staff, using all whole notes.


--How many dice you have can be a limiting factor on how many students can do at once.  I recommend doing in a station format.

--Can be used as part of other composition projects.

Published in Scale, Chord & Key
Thursday, 29 December 2016 14:37

Chance Composition: Rhythm




--Markers or crayons


1. Create chart for students to use when creating their chance compositions.  Assign a note or rest to each possible dice/die.  I made my table to correspond with just one die and used the following values: 1--quarter note, 2--quarter rest, 3--half note, 4--two eighth notes, 5--single eighth note, 6--whole note.

2. Decide what rules the chance composition will have. (I made these rules: No repeating quarter rests, if roll two quarter rests in a row, roll again.  Only use whole note once, if roll more than one whole note, roll again.)


1. Students draw 4 large rectangles on paper. Each box is one measure and should contain 4 beats.

2. Student rolls die, draws corresponding note or rest.  If student rolls a note or rest that would make the total value of the box greater than 4 beats, draw that note or rest in the next box, then return to the previous box.  

3. Composition is done when all boxes are filled, but not exceeding 4 beats per box.


--How many dice you have can be a limiting factor on how many students can do at once.  I recommend doing in a station format.

--Can be used as part of other composition projects.


Published in Rhythm

A Note from the Founders & Directors

Welcome to Community Music Centers of Atlanta

CMC Atlanta is a music education company founded in 2007 as the L5P Music Center. In the 13 years since our founding, we've grown from offering music lessons at a single site to a network of four local community music schools (Decatur, Dunwoody, Little 5 Points and Brookhaven) that offers an array of innovative, but historically-informed music education programs to students of all ages and skill levels. Working in collaboration with Capstone Academy, an accredited private school, we also created a high school conservatory program, Atlanta Music High School, which opened in August 2017.  


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