8:00-9:00: Check in: students sign in, put their things away and then have quiet choices until 9:00am.
9:00 -10:15:
- Circle time, gather students, learn names.
- Go over music center inside boundaries and expectations.
- Group singing, choral warm-ups, solfege, BBF Sponge Bob this will give you a good idea of the singers in your group and will help decide what songs to work on during the week. Ask who who would like to do a solo or duet. Keep in mind that songs with long verses can be done as individual solos on verses and ensemble on the chorus.
- Morning fruit break.
- Go over outside expectations, and boundaries.
- Lunch and outside/free choice time.
- Behind the Scenes, Aladdin All parts of a production are important
- Start making (possible) show list. Goal is 5 or so ensemble songs mixed in with solos and duets. Go with the age and interest of your group.