7:45: Open Building
8:00-9:00 Dropoff
9:00: Class I: St. Saens Carnival des Animeaux packet; Focus on Bio of Saint-Saens, Royal March of the Lion, Hens and Roosters, Wild Horses; Have students learn the printed music at the bottom of each page if possible (advanced students) and talk about idée fixe and leitmotifs with everyone. Color pages while listening.
10:15-10:45: Snack
10:45-12:00: Class II: Everyday Sing: Frère Jacques, Nat King Cole's "Je Vous Aime Beaucoup", Alouette, Hot Cross Buns.
12:00-1:00: Lunch
1:00-2:15: Class III: -Review of Genres of French Music; Opera, French Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Post-Romantic Impressionism, Modernism. Play excerpts.
-Four Corners Game: Teacher plays excerpt, elimination game where each corner of room represents a different category and students determine correct genre: choose from: Impressionism, French Baroque, Cajun & Zydeco, French Opera. 10 seconds to correctly choose corner.
2:15-3:00: Snack:
3:00-4:00: Class IV: 3:00-3:15 Rhythm: General Rhythm Lesson, Whole notes, Half, Quarter, Eighth; Review the Rhythms in songs previously covered this day: Dotted quarter in Alouette; Quarters and Halves in Hot Cross Buns
-3:15-3:30: French Food Rhythm games;
4:00-5:30: Choices, Practice, Free time.