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Jedi Music Academy

May 29, 2018 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

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CMC Dunwoody, Faculty Assignment 5518 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338, USA

Camp Pitch and Objectives: read about goals and objectives of Camp Theme


  • 7:45 Staging: lights on, doors unlocked, music/video playing, trash picked up (outside and inside)
  • 8:00 Check In, Forms and Payments
  • 9:00 House Rules
  • 9:15 Music of the Spheres
  • 10:15 Snack
  • 10:45 Rhythm
  • 11:15 EveryDay Sing: Weird Al and Space Oddity
  • 11:45 Lunch and Recess

HyeJung is available as back up to start the day and group activities.  Use your best judgement- when flow is good, get started on private piano lessons.  Each student receives 30 minutes private lesson time.

Jedi Music Academy

May 30, 2018 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

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CMC Dunwoody, Faculty Assignment 5518 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338, USA

Camp Pitch and Objectives: read about goals and objectives of Camp Theme


  • 7:45 Staging: lights on, doors unlocked, music/video playing, trash picked up (outside and inside)
  • 8:00 Check In, Forms and Payments
  • 9:00 House Rules
  • 9:15 Music of the Spheres
  • 10:15 Snack
  • 10:45 Rhythm
  • 11:15 EveryDay Sing: Weird Al and Space Oddity
  • 11:45 Lunch and Recess

HyeJung is available as back up to start the day and group activities.  Use your best judgement- when flow is good, get started on private piano lessons.  Each student receives 30 minutes private lesson time.

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