Sample Schedule
- 8-9AM Drop Off/Arrival
- 9-9:45AM - Intro/Performance (Lead Instructor -Jenn Cornell will present a looping performance including an overview of her sound equipment, 6-String Electric Cello and multiple effects pedals and discuss her perspectives on how to find a unique voice of musical freedom within the structure of music and the use of technology.)
- 10-11- Extended Techniques Workshop (harmonics, color change/distortion, hammer on and pull offs, unconventional plucking, slides, power chords, and percussive techniques)
- 11:15AM Music Theory Basics/Ear Training (Overview of Scales, Key Signatures, Circle of Fifths, Chords and Intervals. Goal: to bring more awareness to how we listen to and perform music. Class will include listening exercises, descriptive writing exercises and creative drawing.)
- 12-1PM Lunch
- 1PM- Improv Basics (Pentatonic scale, 12-Bar Blues/Chord Progressions, Finding your voice)
- 2PM- Personal practice time of Extended Techniques and Improv with 12 part blues backing track (Student will need their own personal device for playing track from Youtube)
- 3PM- Pickup
Workshop Performance
- Sunday, July 28 2:00 pm @ CMC Decatur
Sample Schedule
- 8-9AM Drop Off/Arrival
- 9-9:45AM - Intro/Performance (Lead Instructor -Jenn Cornell will present a looping performance including an overview of her sound equipment, 6-String Electric Cello and multiple effects pedals and discuss her perspectives on how to find a unique voice of musical freedom within the structure of music and the use of technology.)
- 10-11- Extended Techniques Workshop (harmonics, color change/distortion, hammer on and pull offs, unconventional plucking, slides, power chords, and percussive techniques)
- 11:15AM Music Theory Basics/Ear Training (Overview of Scales, Key Signatures, Circle of Fifths, Chords and Intervals. Goal: to bring more awareness to how we listen to and perform music. Class will include listening exercises, descriptive writing exercises and creative drawing.)
- 12-1PM Lunch
- 1PM- Improv Basics (Pentatonic scale, 12-Bar Blues/Chord Progressions, Finding your voice)
- 2PM- Personal practice time of Extended Techniques and Improv with 12 part blues backing track (Student will need their own personal device for playing track from Youtube)
- 3PM- Pickup
Workshop Performance
- Sunday, July 28 2:00 pm @ CMC Decatur